jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

What have I learned?

Two years ago my uncle had some trouble with one of his employees because he had an accident while driving his motorbike drunk at 3 am and had some severe injuries in his right feet. Because of a difficult economic situation, my uncle decided not to ensure all of his employees so he could avoid the payment. As I said, this man had an accident that resulted in awful injuries and he asked for economical help to my uncle, who generously accepted and offered to pay him some of his bills and making him being attended by better doctors. Things went normally until one day a lawyer came to my uncle’s office and asked him to give the man who had de accident 50,000 pesos within 7 days, to which my uncle responded that he wasn’t able to pay such amount and asked for other options, the lawyer said there was no option and left. My uncle was worried about the lawyer because he thought that they could really sued him for that and making him pay even more but more than worried he was disappointed because of the behavior of this man, my uncle has always been patient, generous and more important, fair with all the people, including his employees. After the his lawyer had realized they would not get any money from my uncle and even less taking the case to a trial he apologized to my uncle and my grandparents for his truly awful and ungrateful behavior. What I learned about all this is that following the law, being respectful and fair to your equals is the best practice but you must not forget what other people is capable and willing to do in order to achieve a self-benefice and therefore not letting them take a position in which they can hurt you.

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