miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

What are some things your government should do to prepare for the effects of global climate change?

I was asked this question and immediately responded: are you serious? We should be ashamed for asking such a question. It's exactly like asking what medicine are you going to take after drinking poison!! You are not going to drink freaking poison in the first place! So why are asking what are we going to do about climate change? Oh geez I don't know, NOT MAKING IT HAPPEN PERHAPS? We are used to face the consequences of what we do rather than avoiding the situation where it all begins, we have a repair-the-damage culture instead of one based on prevention and awareness, we say F it, I'll deal with it later and then go live our selfish lives. I say we prevent instead of fix, I'm not willing to deal tomorrow with something I can prevent today.

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