lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

A real artists

I think a real artist relies on its instinct rather than any other think because a real artists expresses everything they feel, it comes from the inside and there's nothing more artistic than letting all your feelings out in a way that can be a example of beauty. Having a thousand records sold or tons of money is like nothing, for example, Gangnam Style, a thousand millilion views on YouTube. A sixth of earths population, and it's crap from start to end.  

martes, 8 de abril de 2014


There are fast cars, like a BMW. There are really fast cars, like a Ferrari. There are mind-blowingly fast cars, like a McLaren P1. And there are this cars. Made out of the hardest, lightest, most aerodynamic and expensive (way more expensive than you can imagine), the formula one cars are the top of the mountain in the world of technology over 4 wheels. This cars can take you from 0 to a 100 km/h and from a 100 to 0 km/h quicker than you read this sentence. You get the greatest engineers, 300 million dollars and a permission from the F1 commission together and voila, you have the 50 % of a F1 racing team. And where is the other 50 %? The answer is simple, in the pilot, which a is a superhuman.
These man are the finest representatives of the human race. Their skills and commitment to the maximum racing category are simply out of this world. Numbers mean nothing to us because the ones that are involved in this sport are simply too much for us to understand. Even if you follow this races you will probably say that are just simple man in super cars driving around a track and winning millions every year for basically siting and accelerating a machine, but once you get to know this discipline very well your way of seeing the world, not only a sport, will change.
These men have to deal to over three times the force of gravity in every corner. They have to memorize every single turn in all the tracks in the world in order to avoid hitting a wall at 200 km/h and to remember which gear they have to have at any moment just to save a fraction of a second which is not even measurable to our brain but in this context means the difference between the first place and the fifth, the world championship or nothing. 
If you get in a simulator like the ones the pilots use to practice, you won’t, without a doubt, making the car simply go straight forward in the beginning. The skills of these men are so refined that it is so difficult to find a man who can drive flawlessly and when it happens it becomes a true legend. When we are talking about F1 the words are just meaningless. There is so mucho to know about this sport that no one ever is an expert in all the areas that it involves. It is so complex that our brain are just no capable of understanding it to a high level.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Same story different listener

To any of my friends I would tell the story in which I drank so much and then somebody had the great idea of puring tequila in a hooka instead of water and that was when I lost track of my self, my friends tried to help me but I was so wasted nothing they did worked. To my mom of course I would say that my friends gave me some shots and I just couldn't help my self, it wasn't my fault :)

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

What if the earth stops spinning?

Well, this requires an exceptionally hard and expensive investigation to get the a totally complex answer which may also be equivalent to the sentence: we all die. Why, because if the earth suddenly stops spinning we will be launched  to same direction it spins at 1,600 km/h (if you are in the ecuator) because that's the speed it has right now. Even if we didn't die because of that, the part of the planet that gets light would be heated incredibly while the part that is in dark would froze. Either way death is our fate.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


So I was reading about ecotips and I saw one about moving to big cities and I thought that it had no sense to move to a highly populated area because we all asociate big cities to pollution and health problems or the least place to have a "green life" until I read about the benefits of it like economic and highly efficient public transportation, living in tall buildings which are easier to heat in winter and to cool in summer, you can also buy organic food and "green" stuff more easily. I also like big big cities so, if I had to choose I would definitely move to one.

What are some things your government should do to prepare for the effects of global climate change?

I was asked this question and immediately responded: are you serious? We should be ashamed for asking such a question. It's exactly like asking what medicine are you going to take after drinking poison!! You are not going to drink freaking poison in the first place! So why are asking what are we going to do about climate change? Oh geez I don't know, NOT MAKING IT HAPPEN PERHAPS? We are used to face the consequences of what we do rather than avoiding the situation where it all begins, we have a repair-the-damage culture instead of one based on prevention and awareness, we say F it, I'll deal with it later and then go live our selfish lives. I say we prevent instead of fix, I'm not willing to deal tomorrow with something I can prevent today.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

What have I learned?

Two years ago my uncle had some trouble with one of his employees because he had an accident while driving his motorbike drunk at 3 am and had some severe injuries in his right feet. Because of a difficult economic situation, my uncle decided not to ensure all of his employees so he could avoid the payment. As I said, this man had an accident that resulted in awful injuries and he asked for economical help to my uncle, who generously accepted and offered to pay him some of his bills and making him being attended by better doctors. Things went normally until one day a lawyer came to my uncle’s office and asked him to give the man who had de accident 50,000 pesos within 7 days, to which my uncle responded that he wasn’t able to pay such amount and asked for other options, the lawyer said there was no option and left. My uncle was worried about the lawyer because he thought that they could really sued him for that and making him pay even more but more than worried he was disappointed because of the behavior of this man, my uncle has always been patient, generous and more important, fair with all the people, including his employees. After the his lawyer had realized they would not get any money from my uncle and even less taking the case to a trial he apologized to my uncle and my grandparents for his truly awful and ungrateful behavior. What I learned about all this is that following the law, being respectful and fair to your equals is the best practice but you must not forget what other people is capable and willing to do in order to achieve a self-benefice and therefore not letting them take a position in which they can hurt you.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

The ecological art project

Paulina and I chose doing a piece of art with recycled materials because we think that the best way to express our feelings towards nature is through art. We don't no what exactly we are going to do yet, but it will be something related to pollution and recycling. As I said before, it is going to be made of recycled objects and it will reflect the beauty of art and imagination.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

First partial project.

So this is the video we made for the first partial with my friends Paulina and Christina.

One of my favorite sushi places.

Nowadays there are tons of Japanese food restaurants around the world, even in countries with a totally different culture and gastronomy, such as ours, México. But as we may imagine, it is really difficult to find restaurants which give food like you would have in japan. And this is something that happens not only with Japanese food in our country, but with Mexican food in other countries, even though is prepared by Mexicans! But that’s precisely why Unagi makes the difference.
Since you cross through the door, you are welcome by to girls wearing kimonos and original make up used by classical Japanese women, who take you to your table or, if you want, to an special one, which has a steel plate where your food is made.
Having your food made in front of you is a total show that involves al your senses because first you feel the heat of the table but nothing to worry about because It is really low, but when the chef starts putting the ingredients on it, there is a huge flame that comes out and makes you feel your eyebrows have been burned, but don’t worry, they are still in there.
Then you have this ninja-like dude who cuts and moves the ingredients around the plate so they cook properly, you can’t even follow the move of his hands because it is so quick it seems inhuman. Anyway, once the show ends, you have your food served in special dishes and that’s where the magic happens. The food is so delicious it seems you are tasting heaven and I don’t soy this because I like Japanese food, once I invited a friend who doesn't like and guess what, he has asking when are we coming back again.

You can get everything you may find in a restaurant in japan at Unagi, the ambiance, the food, the way of making it, even Asian people working in it. It is the perfect place for Japanese-food lovers, and even for those who are new in the field. 

Welcome, everybody.

My name is Juan Carlos but most of the people I know call me JC. Basically I'm just a boy who wants to become a civil engineer and help the environment and society with ecological infrastructure. I live in Morelia, the capital of Michoacán in México. I want to be reach and buy so many cars because I love them all, but the one I love the most is the McLaren P1. I love racing sports such as Formula 1 and rallies. I am also a food lover, trying new dishes is something I really love (but actually never do it because I always order the same thing because the pressure is too much AND WHAT IF I DON'T LIKE IT AND I MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EAT THE MEAL I KNOW I LIKE OMG THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME). Anyway, discovering new things is something I like. My favorite social media is Tumblr, I Hate Facebook, that's right, with capital H, because people in there are so dumb and apparently the have less gray matter than a slug. I also get angry for sooooo many like bad drivers, stupid people, spoiled teenagers, mexican soap-operas, people who listen to music without earphones, traffic jams and food that it is supposed to be hot and is cold. I think my taste for music is kind of weird because sometimes all I listen is Dubstep and suddenly I want to change it for Chopin or Mozart and then for some of ACDC. I think that is a good description of me.